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like monster

An unusual person who likes things you put on facebook, and may or may not make you uncomfortable. If you're okay with it, then probably the term is used endearingly, otherwise it's used when full of hate. It's sort of like calling someone a tickle monster.

Stacy liked all my pictures of me and my cat
Awwh what a like monster!

Bob from work liked the picture of my cat...

by evanhasmachines June 13, 2011

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One who does not know about the outside world, or knows nothing about other societies other than own.

"Wait, so you are from Australia, so do you ride kangaroos to school?"
"Are you serious? You are so white-like!"

by David Shum January 27, 2008

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like orgy

When friends or acquaintances on Facebook like each other's comments during a discussion from a post showing approval, adoration, favoritism, or even a covert sexual interest in the person whose comments they are liking.

Did you see Mike's stupid post on Facebook? It sure was a like orgy!

by Proclus March 30, 2011

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Be like me

Be like me


I can see why ;p

Must be the humility …

Well not exactly me ..

We are unique ..

Reject clone ..

It’s shit ..

Or looks it from afar ..

Embrace you ..

Allow yourself ..

Find your own truth ..

Reason for living ..

Otherwise … what’s the point?

Homegrown > clone

Be like me .. just not the 50% of my life I went awol ..

Glad I’m back …

by LetsTalkAboutX January 10, 2023

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Like A Boss

Based on the song "Like A Boss" by Andy Samberg and Lonely Island Boys.

The lyrics are about the responsibility of power or lack thereof. The concept behind the song is loosely based on individuals in contemporary pop culture (i.e. rap stars) who insist they're the most amazing person in the universe but are, in reality, rather ridiculous.

This scenario directly effects the meaning of the phrase. While most would say it signifies an increased level of "awesomeness" in a given situation, the context the phrase was originally used in would suggest the opposite.

The point of it is that you're saying you're awesome using a terminology that's based on making fun of people who say they're awesome. The irony makes it hilarious, especially because the term has run rampant and most people who say it don't realize that they're, in essence, making fun of themselves unknowingly. Double funny.

It can also be used in a sarcastic, summarizing capacity (see example below).

With the irony of it in mind, you can interchange it with longer explanations as I did in a Facebook post once:

By saying, "like a boss" what I'm really saying is, "my very busy and overextended work schedule is contributing to a substantial increase in the amount of alcohol I consume and it's not only pathetic, but also not exemplary of the type of behavior that's indicative of upper management."

Just realized it's 6:12 PM and I was SO busy today that I didn't eat, I still haven't checked my voice mail and I've had to pee for the last 4 hours. Who needs a glass of wine? This girl right here. Like a boss.

by Girl Called Life July 14, 2011

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like a boss

1. to really excell at something. to succeed with extreme luck or ease.
2. to run a program with administrator privileges in later versions of windows.

1. terrence played call of duty like a boss when he no scope headshot the opposing team's last guy from a mile away

2.Roy: I can't get this new game to to run on windows 7.
tommy: have you tried running it like a boss?

by masteroffire December 9, 2011

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Greedy, money-hungry, describing people who fall for scams and pyramid schemes such as Quixtar and Amway (the failed version of Quixtar). Describing people who will pay $100 to attend a pointless rally where they will hold candles and listen to greed-driven liars speak. Describing people who have the desire to become rich quickly, only to become broke later in life.

Psychologist: Why are you a plumber?
Plumber: I have no money.
Psychologist: Why not? I thought I knew you back then. You had a college degree. You were a successful accountant.
Plumber: I gave it all up for Quixtar. I had it all, and I lost everything because I wasted my money on tapes and pointless materials for Quixtar. I now prevent people's shit from overflowing as my career.
Psychologist: Oh, son, you are so quixtar-like. Now excuse me while I go to the bathroom. Please wait outside so you can prevent the toilet from overflowing. I have a big one coming...or two.

by AL1 November 14, 2005

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