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Front Porch Racism

Another phrase to describe the bigotry of low expectations; people who assume that another race needs to rely on them for support.

"Front Porch" to paint a picture of a slaveowner on their front porch feeling justified for "providing."

Example 1:
a: "If you don't prove extra help to this ethnic community, they will never be able to succeed on their own."
b: "That's front porch racism."

Example 2:
a: "I think Jojo might be a front porch racist. He always talks about how *insert race here* should get extra assistance from the government.

by WMWARRIOR February 25, 2022

Front 40

The opposite of the Back 40. The front of the building if you will.

Ya'll come up here to the front 40, I need to show you something.

by JennyFyre June 3, 2021

Front 40

The opposite of the Back 40. The front of the building if you will.

Ya'll come up here to the front 40, I need to show you something.

by JennyFyre June 3, 2021

front-to-back fail

The mistake couples make when a partner sticks his penis or a lesbian uses a dildo or her fingers to penetrate the anus of a woman and then proceeds to stick the same appendage into the woman's vagina. They fail to realize that the woman's vagina will be contaminated with germs from the anus.

The lesbian porn scene was intense, but there was a front-to-back fail at the end of the scene. One of the women may need to do a heavy duty cleansing. dirty vagina, vaginal infection, unclean, wipe front to back, stinky gouch

by joecoolthefool February 11, 2015

Fronts out cunts out

When he's rocking out with his cock out. She's fronts out cunts out

Kylies walking arond the office fronts out cunts out!

by Kaplan squad May 28, 2022

Front Scoop

Front scooping is the act of wiping your ass from back to front while sitting on the toilet. When front scooping, one reaches down into the front of the toilet and reaches deep towards the back of the bowl to reach their asshole.

Todd spent a lifetime front scooping, and more often then not ended up always have shit on his balls.

by SwaggyZ WV December 28, 2018

Front Street Girl

A girl (or female bodied person) who refuses to do anal. Intended to be used jokingly, rather than derogatory. Often self-descriptive.

Leela: After we do anal, my boyfriend always cries. Does yours?
Maxine: Oh nah, I’m a totally front street girl. No one gets in the back.

by Kinky kiwi 81 November 16, 2022