It's Brittany Bitch
A Bitch named Brittany , cutter butt bitch
White stuff you put on in the morning so that your ass gum doesn't stay in your pants
Do you have any butt floss if not to bad for you
Super hard to do, if you are able to do this you are a god.
Ps; If you can do this call me ;)
(Note); This isn't a phone number so please do take this down urban dictionary
Mike; Hey Joe!
Joe; Ye?
Mike; I can bend my penis in my butt
Joe; Huuhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Mike; Ya, its like I'm getting fucked by my self
Joe; ...
Mike; You like :)
Joe; Get away from me
A person or thing that is extremely shitty or known to be basic. Doesn't necessarily mean that individual is a terrible person; just that they are now marked as a shit butt (ass).
When a cat steps out of the litter box with poop still attached to their fur.
Cady is a shit butt because that's just who she is!
Stella Bella is now a shit butt because I can see poop hanging from her ass.
A pussy that has labia connecting into the butthole
I had sex with a chick that has a pussy-butt the other night!
To be homosexual and eat other homosexuals butts
Terry said his co worker Jerry was a butt squncher because hes spotted Jerry eating Larry's butt.
A name for Bud Light ever since they took on Dylan Mulvaney. Another name for them would be Queer Beer.
“Hey man, you want some Bud Light at the store?”
“Hell naw man, I don’t want that damn Butt Light, fucking queer beer man.”