DOE might be the acronym for Doesn't Officially Exists.
-Who's John Doe?
-We don't know yet.
"Doe" is a shortening of the word "though" and is normally placed at the end of a sentence. It is often used to cancel out or combat what someone else has just said, that you may not agree with. "Despite all else" is another good example of why someone would use the word "doe".
Sam: That girl you're talking to isn't cute.
Tyler: Well she has a nice ass doe.
a dumb hoe (not a bright female)
How did Emily not figure out the joke yet? She is just a doe don't worry about it.
A completely innocent interpretation of a large animal I know nothing about.
Big beautiful blue eyes.
Ja Rule never had a career.
Do you see the doe? Hey baby girl, a doe doe!