The most cringe noun ever known to humanity, used by rich kids in Denmark, to make boys look like complete scum
Hey Martin.
"Yeah whats up bro"
No joke, you are such a fuckboi
"What are you talking about"
Yeah, had sex with Tina, and then Maria, kill yourself
"I made more pussy that day, than you'll ever do"
A man who likes to have sex with variety of hot women, and despite all the efforts of women to avoid having pleasure in their life, he succeeds in doing so.
Accidental encounter with a bloodsucker type of woman results in a big clash, but a crafty fuckboi is able to get out of this situation without getting harmed.
Fuckbois are often labelled evil beings or demons by frustrated women, who take life very seriously. These women will call fuckbois "fake" and other names. This is not always true, because modern fuckbois often also genuinely care about you and besides good sex they can also offer love (though not long-lasting), which many of women are derpived of. Only thing is that they have a large sexual appetite and value their own freedom, which women are rarely able to grasp.
Dude1: Did you hear Joe dated another woman last friday? I didn't expect him to be such a fuckboi.
Dude2: Yep, he did. But what is such a big deal about it?
A man who convinces himself and multiple women that each person is special. The man usually knows he is not interested in a relationship or commitment, but "accidentally" convinces his romantic partners that he is.
He knows he has fuckboi tendencies, but doesn't think he is one - because he doesn't mean it.
A guy who thinks he's hot shit, and is always trying to get in everyone's pants (both male and female), he is usually Italian. After having children such a guy can tend to have fuckboi cycles. Where he thinks that he can disrespect anyone he wants and get away with it.
"Ever since Stewart was born, Tony has turned into a real fuckboi."
"Ben Doheny flirts with every girl he can, he acts as if he likes you but really he's talking to about 30 other girls at the same time. Don't be like Ben, no one likes fuckbois"
Those kids at school that use sports and they're "looks" to get girls and to be an asshole in your face.
Mostly seen throughout your Junior High and High School years of life. They also use trends such as "Dab" and "Whip" as a way to get "popular"
There is one of them fuckbois!