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Sick and tired

A lot of people say they're sick and tired, when really theyre irritated and frustrated. If you're not terminally ill, you're not sick in the way that you mean when you say sick and tired. If you haven't been awake for days on end working around the clock, you're not really tired. You're just irritated and frustrated with something.

People are not really sick and tired, they're irritated and frustrated, and they've been irritated and frustrated for a long time now.

by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020

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Sick Fluff

Someone who is really perverted or messed up in anyway. also used as an insult to call people like this.

Jake-"I banged your mom last night."

by Baddy boy November 8, 2011

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triple sick

freaky, awesome, outstanding, unique, cool

That ride is triple sick.

by Douglas August 14, 2003

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sick drive

The opposite of sex drive. It happens when you're sick and you can't really get aroused. You usually need to have a pretty bad cold or the flu to get it.

Dude 1: Dude! Last week I had the flu, and I missed work but I was really bored cuz I didn't feel like watching porn.

Dude 2: But dude, you're addicted to porn and you watch it at least 7 hours a day!

Dude 1: I know, but I had a sick drive instead of a sex drive.

Dude 2: Oh. Sorry dude. That sucks.

Dude 1: I know.

by THEBLOBMAN July 29, 2010

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To hick up and bring up sick at the same time

Guy 1: I just sick-uped
Guy2: That's discusting..

by lucie69 January 18, 2012

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sick threads

The juiciest most moist clothing on the entire market

Bro, I gotta get down to Urban Planet and pick me up some sick threads. Holla

by the dawgpounder February 19, 2014

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worried sick

When your about to get an asswhooping and you get that worried feeling in your stomach

My mom is gonna whoop my ass im worried sick in the stomach

by Ducksaucey November 19, 2016

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