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dirty cashe

The money you pay to a stripper or escort

I brought some dirty cashe to the club

by Dirtykashe May 20, 2021

EXO laughing at Aesop Cash sounds like sex happy enough

EXO laughing at Aesop Cash sounds like sex happy enough

EXO laughing at Aesop Cash sounds like sex happy enough

by Handle100 August 8, 2023

Sigma Cash Money

The meaning of the richest amount of cash you win own or see, use it as a funny word to express great amounts of money.

I just saw some Sigma Cash Money in that rich mans house dude.

by Lookie83 April 23, 2024

Irish cash cow

Conor McGregor

The irish cash cow brought Nate Diaz out of his brother's shadow.

by Bronze Knee Cap August 18, 2019

Cash gator

a fat male that takes your cash and hold a bunch of cash and bathes in

That Cash gator forgot to pay my god damn money

by 7u31a85 July 14, 2022

Flash for Cash

Alert other motorists of a speed van ahead

Flash for cash: Flash your lights at an oncoming car to alert them of a speed van in the direction their travelling. Definition can vary country to county but this is the general meaning in Ireland

by PlaidShirtAnomaly January 12, 2024

Karen cash

Current state:dead she was lost to the storm
She was an old geezer who loved lexia power up

She covered lessens (very funny watching a 75year old do PE)

Karen cash is dead

by Ben Dover miss cashes grave November 22, 2023