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Carl Marx's birthday

May 5th. It is celibrated by the american communist party and is a day on which they protest economic explotation and is also used for special events. Carl Marx was born on May 5, 1818.

What are we doing on Carl Marx's birthday?

by Deep blue 2012 May 6, 2010

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24 november birthday

you deserve the world honey <3

24 november birthday

by gattoaformadigatto November 24, 2021

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mexican birthday cake

The act of eating several helpings of beans and deficating them on somebodys person.

I gave Sherry a mexican birthday cake and she was delighted to receive it.

by scott negley March 21, 2007

20đź‘Ť 43đź‘Ž

Happy Heavenly Birthday

What pity-seeking, depressed, and usually obese people post on social media to notify their “friends” that it would have been their dead relative’s birthday. Realistically, these are made to seek likes, because that is the equivalent to having friends in today’s sad, sad society. These posts also are designed to trigger the automatic response of their “friends” to comment the typical “so sorry for your loss” and similar “happy birthday to your dead relative”.

Happy heavenly birthday great great grandma, you would have been 168 today :(

“Yeah you never met her, know nothing about her, and furthermore, she can’t see this post”


by TheAlwaysCorrect1 April 4, 2023

6đź‘Ť 13đź‘Ž

April 22nd Birthday

People who were born on April 22 are extremely talented individuals who can rise very high in the world. Yet, being unconventional, they may choose to ignore obvious opportunities. Although they have considerable talent for handling money, they have very little respect for material possessions.

i have a April 22nd birthday (•‿•)

by korihehee January 18, 2022

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Birthday boy blam

Someone we all secretly simp for, sorry but it’s true

I started to simp for birthday boy blam

by The aubergine man September 14, 2020

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birthday thread advertising

An image or post advertising a website, posted on a forum/bulletin board, (in a thread regarding someone's birthday) that links to one's website.

Ethan always posts a post in a birthday thread regarding his website. He's always birthday thread advertising.

by dotLou April 13, 2007

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