Promiscuous butch lesbian that jumps from woman to woman.
Deloris is such a clam hopper!
When you double fist a female in the vagina, but she clinches down and you can't get your hands out.
Hey John, I was double fisting this chick the other day, but she put me in clam cuffs and I was stuck there for another hour!!
A foreskin clam is the process of smegma in the foreskin becoming hardened over time, eventually resulting in a calculus bridge - like substance in the foreskin. When peeled back, the victim of the foreskin clam will pull the clam out to reveal a ring like buildup that is somewhat shaped like a clam
Foreskin clams are solid buildup is said to be more excruciating than a kidney stone
The act of putting earbuds in a females butt, turning the volume all the way up, then putting your ear up to her vagina and jamming out.
Last night I was listening to Metallica on clam radio and it ruled!
When a female expunges air from her vagina.
During yoga class, our instructor clam coughed; it sounded like a small trumpet and some folks applauded.
When a Woman presses her damp clam on your pants and lives a clam imprint (clam stamp)
"Dude that stripper left a clam stamp on your pants"
When some seafood smelling women go naked in a sauna it smells like a clam bake
Hey Mark check out that clam bake!