A condom that will be the nicest, softest, condom of all time. WILL LISTEN TO ALL COMMANDS
Girl: TO HARD!! Man: Okay Ill just use my Canadian condom
A "Condom Currency" is a currency thats very weak compared with those from other countries.
"Why don't you buy it from X website?"
"They deal in international prices, can't afford it with condom currency"
What face masks became to dating singles during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 -- the social distancing prophylactic required if two single people hope to come within six feet of each other.
I thought Chris was going to go on a Corona Date with that hot chick last night.
No, he had to bail; he forgot his Corona Condom so she wouldn't let him near her.
A face mask, designed to protect people from contracting and spreading the SARS-CoV-, the main cause of COVID-19. Usually protested by people who think the virus is a hoax (See: Karen, Republican, anti-vaxxer)
Ah, crap...i can't go into the store. I forgot my Corona condom!
Don't forgot to wear your Corona condom when out in public.
A condom that can be used an infinite number of times without breaking
Guy 1: Dude I've already become a father of 14
Guy 2: Oh I always keep the infinity condom so I'm a father of 0
Guy 1: Dang your lucky you don't have to pay child support
A group of friends who are related somehow and loves to talk shit to each other
"Yea, we are condom heads for life ,my brother from another mother!"
The act of rolling a condom up to make it hard and pointy before ramming it into a wood chipper.
"Oi Aylab, I am gonna get it on with the Indonesian Hammerhead Condom"
"Lets go rajeet"