a guy who looks and acts like kid rock at a kid rock show.
"Hey look, there goes kid duck" lets throw a beer on him.
Just like VHS Kids, it is a generic term that refers to a person who grew up with audio cassette tapes on his/her childhood.
Cassette Kids can be different to the so-called "CD Kids"
Rent-a-kids are usually the result
of the friendship between a non-rental
bringing around a friend and the friend
never leaves because their home
life sucks (in their eyes); and you feed them. They are alot like ferrel cats. If you give them the attention they crave and feed them enough, they stake claim of your couch/spare room/any flat surface with in your home deemed comfortable enough for sleep. Of course, like ferrel cats, they can be very vocal about their new family and consequently attract more rentals. When this happens, you're homestead
gets cute little nicknames from your
people, such as "Angie's Home for
Wayward Boys"
Picking up dinner on the way home, how many rent-a-kids are at the house?
Ok kiddo, here's the rules. You sleep here for more than 3 consecutive nights, your status defaults to "rent-a-kid" and are automatically thrown into the chore rotation. Tonight you got kitchen duty.
Used as a creepy way to greet kids if your a hobo or creep
(Hobo) hi kids!!!
(Kids) mommy!!!
(Hobo) I like where this is going hehe
A character who first appeared in the legend of zelda Ocarina of time and is the main villain of the legend of zelda: Majora's mask. They are a whole "Species". The "Main" skull kid also appears with a diffrent look in twilight princess.
"Skull kids are kids who are lost in the lost woods for too long"
A small child or a teenager who's balls haven't dropped yet. These kids have very high pitched voices, yell alot and agitate everybody wearing a mic. They usualy hear them playing Call of Duty, (not Halo 3 cause every kid on that game have high pitched voices), Gears of War and Nazi Zombies that fall into it's own category(this is where the 'M' in 'M Kids' comes from, the games they play). They are as annoying as kids who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
M Kid: I just got the PPSH!
Annoyed kid: Dude I don't give a shit
M Kid: It's such a great gun against zombies!
Annoyed kid: Shut up
M Kid: Ooo I just shot his arms off then I knifed him!
Annoyed kid: Shut Up!
M Kid: I sent you a friend invite to you!
Annoyed kid: I don't give a shit what you did!