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Sweaty butt plug

Sweaty butt plug is someone who chats more shit than boris Johnson

That sweaty butt plug sounds just like boris johnson

by Anna 2022 July 14, 2022

Butt Pucker

An object or circumstance that causes intense fear or pain.

“That jump looks like a real butt pucker

by Kojack Jo June 8, 2019

Vertical Butt Weld

A sex act involving a man and partner, in which the man, with expert precision, ejaculates between their partner's ass cheeks and presses them shut, allowing the semen to dry. The dry semen forms cement, welding the cheeks shut.

"Man, that bitch Randy was such an ass until I gave him a vertical butt weld. His dumbass won't ever shit or call me gay again."

by Vertical Butt Weld Man December 7, 2019

Butt jowl

The bottom of the butt cheek that hangs over the back of the upper leg also creates a strange triangular white spot when tanning in the summer.

I work out all the time and I still can't get rid of butt jowls.

by Extremejutsu February 10, 2016


When you slip off of your chair when you sit at an angle and it keeps happening

Hey butter-butt! Sit up strait and that won't happen!

by Emerald821 January 24, 2019

Butter Butt

When your asshole is so lubricated from eating greasy food that you don’t even feel your farts slip out until you get hit with a toxic fart cloud.

“Sorry... I can’t control it, they just keep sliding out... I must have bad butter butt.”

by Farter2018 September 24, 2018

but blasting media yields butt blasting remarks

Sharing opinionated knowledge on news, media, etc. to a large group and learning afterwards, it could be used against self or the opinion shared by self.

But blasting media yields butt blasting remarks: I didn’t like what someone said to me. I blasted it on social media and I received more comments I disapprove of.

by HunkyBeat May 27, 2022