Is the same as "Jack off"/"Jacking off", but in a more elegant way with long hair and shaved legs.
A guy named David: I beg my pardon. Do you have any idea where I can find a facial cleanser set for lighter skins?
Some other Dude: Can you David off please.
The Frustration that arises when popups, predictive text, and other software functions interfere with the users experience
Jessica was so tech'd off that her predictive text kept saying "boobs" instead of "boots."
Danny got tech'd off that his favorite news website was now covered in
Pop ups.
Erick was tech'd off when lag caused him to lose first place in his halo tournament.
Beat your meat, whack off, give it a good wank, rub one out, give it a good rogering.
Also, to fuck around in a playful fashion. And or serious.
Jed never listens in class, he's such a jack off.
Roger was feeling spring had sprung and on a whim he ended up jacking off,
Hey Jack off are you looking for trouble?
I bet you just went on here to see what sexual meanings people put on here for things you already know
when you want jack to get off you with minimal words
"Jack off!"