A man way too excited over a female prowess.
He wanted that girl in the club so bad, he was straight hot dick for her.
1 A defined steak temperature.
2 A woman over 45 who can pull of white pants.
1. I’d like my filet to be a hot rare please.
2. WOW! Look at that Coug, she’s a real host rare in those white jeans!
a normal person so goddamn beaut they belong on the red carpert instead of your local high street
I saw a guy at Tescos that was so hollywood hot I actually opened my mouth and said "oh my god " when he walked past
Poop that is extremely runny, but also crispy. Similar to diarrhea, but worse.
I ate chinese and mexican food in the same day. On the drive home from work, I made A Hot Slushy in my pants.
When you’re fucking some greasy chick and you both have herpes and gonorrhoea she proceeds to shit on your dick and then licks it up
Boy 1 : Dude I got a raging hot North Carolina stuffed pepper yesterday
Boy 2: That’s nasty man get the f**k away from me
Me and this guy had a hot load
I hate washing clothes but love having a hot load