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a weird, skinny, japanese man or woman who can eat many hot dogs in one minute.

"That guy is such a buffalo."

by BrieTralala February 1, 2009


A pretty cool small town in north central wyoming. It may be full of lazy retirees, have almost no places to eat and is a bit 'remote' by some standards lol. BUT: it's still an amazing little town full of amazing people! With mountains! And a stream! But don't move here. It's full.

Buffalo Wyoming: The Other Buffalo!

by Mollerito the human burrito April 20, 2024


Michael Buford

Buffalo is Michael Buford

by Angrockshair June 12, 2023


Noun: A handsome guy with a nice figure. Can refer to buff or slender guys. Soccer players and football players can both be buffalo.

Sara: Buffalo. 2 o'clock.
Sam: Dark hair?
Sara: I think his names Rob, total buffalo.

by charmingone:) November 23, 2010


Something you say if you catch your friend drinking with their non dominant hand before placing it back down

Friend - *drinks with non dominant hand*
You- “Buffalo”
Friend- “dammit you got me” *proceeds to chug the rest of his/her drink*

by Scoooooooter August 26, 2021


The (nonconsensual) application of buffalo sauce to ones genitals

Dude, I woke up and thought I was getting honeypotted, but actually I got buffaloed.

by Vlad69420 April 17, 2022


1. to intimidate

2. big animal

buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

by cometkurmit May 8, 2023