Also known as being "Band Happy"
Something you say when a little thing in life causes you some displeasure. or something you say to the local people in band.
person 1 - wow i stubbed my toe Band Gay
Guys in bands that live in total squalor. Bedroom usually has mattress on the floor with no linen and definitely no natural light. Cycles through partners more often than he changes his socks because he's a giant man child with addiction problems.
Expects any potential partners to be his mum and therapist but also be cool when he fucks other people on tour.
That band bro ghosted me after giving me chlamydia
Also known as BOA, they are the organization who runs one of the largest competitive high school marching band circuits in America. Their largest competition, Grand Nationals (also called Grand Nats) in Indianapolis, Indiana, is known to be rigged towards bands from Indiana, along with certain bands from Texas who are willing to pay up.
Person 1: Man, I can't believe that Castle, Brownsburg, and Fishers made it into Grand Nats Finals over American Fork, O'Fallon Township, and Moe & Gene Johnson
Person 2: That's just Bands of America for you
An English rock band, active from 1988 to 1992. Their music is rather unheard of, while some people may recognise their single, "Lemonstone Desired."
Not much is known about the group, they are very unheard-of. They only published one album, "A Taste of Rain."
MOO is a band including three people (Filomina Fil, Meryem Merm, and Shea) according to there youtube description they have joined forces to play and make music together
Hey dude have you heard of MOO the band
If Its a person...
-takes home their instrument to "practice" and comes to band practice and being shook and thinking about death when noticing that they didn't "practice".
- with a trumpet, is a person that is very cocky and obnoxious.
-that plays flute, they are highly depressed cause they can't hear themselves. And people calling them "tooty toot players"
-with a clarinet, is a clumsy person always dropping their reeds and always squeekin squeekin
- with a saxophone is just a car making traffic with their kind during class.
- with a trombone, they just love hitting people in the head and they sound like passing cars that are loud.
-with a Baritone just think they are a mini tuba.
- with a bari sax is just a Spongebob alarm clock.
- that plays drums, just bang bang and make fun of the people who need to breathe to play
Normal Person: I forgot to do homework! Can I copy yours???
Band Person: I didn't do it. I was busy practicing. (Actually did it)
min later in band
Band Person: *comes in*
Band Director: *looks*
Band Person 0-0 *walks out* nope.
another ex.
Flute: *practices scale*
Trumpet: *plays loud next to them*
Trumpet: Even if I wasn't here you still wouldn't hear yourself
Flute: SIR!!!
Funniest people alive. There are three types of band geeks- 1) the annoying band geeks- the kid who thinks he knows anything and everything when in reality, he's just a dumbass who sits in the back and figures out how to beat every brain puzzle known to man, 2) the completely dedicated band geek- the two or three kids that show up to fundraisers and all marching shows early, either because they have to, they want to, or they're overly-obsessed with the band and want to be drum major their senior year. The third type of band geek is the normal musical kid. These kids are the bomb-shnizzle-tits. They are completely normal outside ban most of the time, but they understand all the band jokes. You always want to be around these kids because they're so chill, and they make everyday better. They show up to all band functions and help along, and then they go home and do what normal people do. They don't make weird band references every five minutes and they know when a band reference is/isn't appropriate. They're the best people to hang out with.
*Band wanna-bes- the kids that brag about band when they're in it, and complain about the director if they get kicked out. They do dirty things in the back of the bus and make dirty band references all the time and don't understand music. Whores in band uniforms, basically. Do not consider them band geeks. They're a shame on all band geeks.
Type 1
"Hey did you hear about Jason in band?"
"Yeah, he figured out how to solve a Rubik's cube. For the millionth time."
Type 2
"What happened at the-"
"The car wash? I helped set up, then i washed like, fourteen cars, then you all left and I helped clean up."
"Okay, I meant, how-"
"Much money did we earn? Well, afterwards we were..."
"damn band geeks."
Type 3
"How's band?"
"Eh, can't complain. I was wondering, after the game, do you want to go hang out at McDonald's? I kind of want to show you this video of a monkey, and they got free wifi over there..."
Band Wanna-bes
"Hey guys, this one time at band camp, I was fucking-"
"NO." (Covers his/her mouth)