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Burn Book

A Burn Book is a book where a person can vent out their hate/annoyance of others. It is similar to a diary but instead of documenting your day and/or feeling you are documenting your negative thoughts of others. A Burn Book will often contain Harsh comments and insults.

"I write in a burn book to let my anger out."

by OutOfHerePlease January 1, 2021

Bell Burn

The result of having shagged a slapper pink/brown/pink/brown all night which results in the end of your bellend turning red & swelling up with a somewhat unpleasant burning sensation for weeks on end.

Fellows is some what distressed after contracting the near fatal bell burn disease after a night of vaginal/Anal action

by Pwazza1234 October 10, 2008

Back burn

To give yourself more shit than others around you. You're in control of the level of torment others give you. Just like a bushfire, a well executed backburn helps contain out of control fires! So to does backburning yourself during a conversation, It helps prevent more shit giving from mates.

Person 1: what's with the pink shirt? You look gay as fuck!
Person 2: well, I love dick
Person 1: haha...you fuckhead

Person 2 has successfully back burned to prevent Person 1 giving more shit!

by Dosep December 27, 2018

Burn Phone

Mobile phone throw against a wall and then set on fire, when the owner realises that his Android phone has insufficient memory to be updated, thus rendering it worthless.

Sorry I didn’t call You but the latest security update release a case of (And)”Roid Rage” which turned my phone into a “Burn Phone”

by Alanya Viking November 12, 2017

dry burn

When you go in without lube.

Last night I was too lazy to go to the store for lube so I just dry burned Becky’s ass.

by Slutty-slut94 August 3, 2019


When a Googan or other unsavory “fishing” character trashes a local spot. By either unethical treatment of the Fish or land or waterways leading to the spot. Spot burners include but are not limited to Poachers, YouTubers, report chasers and litter bugs.
These people lack common sense and are the most entitled persons on the planet. They only fish to abuse animals and the environment for internet points.
After these people come through the spot is now burnt

Hey look at Johnny Bucktail is over there beating up the schoolies. I can see he is also live streaming for all his followers and giving them GPS coordinates and obvious landmarks. All Johnny Does is Spot-burn. He only cares about himself.

by FishGutzTacoCat April 20, 2022

Ring Burn

What happens 2 days after drinking your friends homemade chilli pickle juice. On the day of the drinking a chilli seed gets stuck in the throat and gives you painful chilli sneezes. Day 2 the remnants of chilli juice and seeds are passed through the anus. It burns as if Mr T had just penetrated you anally with tobasco sauce on his dick. The smell afterwards is ungodly and will take several hours to dissipate.

Joe had Ring Burn after drinking Chris and Caitys chilli pickle juice. He used a full bottle of cologne in the bathroom!

by Two Spoon Destroyer November 18, 2020