Tuus dies mortis erit die 8 Martii 2031 die 3:09 am
Tuus dies mortis erit die 8 Martii 2031 die 3:09 am
LDLF is a legacy.
That fad where you add random and seemingly horrible shit to your name and then scene kids started copying your own style of naming and thus bastardized your style of name grouting.
the explanations should have sufficed and trust in dahvie vanity because the consequences will never be the same.
Louie Died Last Friday.
Shoot For The Skylar.
Mimi morphine.
Connor Coffin Maker.
Christian Kenosis.
Jenoe Genocide.
Patty Passed Away.
Kiki Kannibal.
Cashley Cadaver.
Another way to say the abbreviation “IDK”
It is usually said to quickly respond to a question
Or just say it to piss someone off
Friend:”John, did you take out the trash like I told you?”
Other friend: “REH DI KAYYY”
A special italian ointment with unique erotic properties, to be applied from the tip of the nose to the anus with a difficult-to-execute rotating motion involving both hands.
Hi fellow coworker! It’s 9:10 AM, time for your daily sex session. Please, take off your pants and let me apply my Olio di Cocco Sardo on your private parts.
Fuck faggot ass face - yo shaqweefa talking mad shit
Jim - ill fuck a bitch till she dies