Source Code


An old person. Senior Citizen, or elderly individual. Applied, but not limited to, those ages 60 or older. Durived from Teen Girl Squad by Strongbad.

"Mister Pitters wishes he was a teen girl, but he's really just an ointment."

by Astrodisiac August 13, 2006

42πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Substance applied for relief after receiving a burn.

"That was harsh, man. It's ointment time. Y'know... for that BURN."

by Der Capitan December 29, 2004

26πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The gayest word in the english language.

Rub me with some ointment.

by Grime April 11, 2003

48πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


what you get from the doc when ya foot long itches afta nailing a dirty whore

Greg:Dude my foot long itches sooooo bad
Me:Better go see the doc and get some ointment

by Nick February 5, 2004

10πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Refers to when someone has a injury and then applies ointment πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯

I had a cut on my big toes so I cleaned and ointmented it

by Butfirstcofi November 1, 2020


A word that nobody likes, it doesn't just roll off the tongue it also never used in a good way.

Kelly do you have my hemorrhoid ointment. GROSS

by something relatble October 13, 2018

Ointment Nurse

A complimentary term toward a nurse who places ointment in the fornix of eyes after eye muscle surgery.

Doctor: β€œOintment nurse.”... β€œOintment nuuuuuurse.”

Nurse: I’ll be there in a second to place the ointment.

by Bill Brasky the man June 19, 2018