Zero: Dear to whomever it has triggered, Achilles, the frequency auditor, born by hand and killed by feet because she was so endowed in the trench that she was laid to rest so a male can portray the rest. Sincerely yours, Angel Jose Robles
Jose-Luis Is a absolute unit and a Giga Chad and is Hot, Sexy, and smart but is also very handsome and gets all the girls.
Jose-Luis is Hot
Do you want to know why 0! =1?, thats the only question that he will be able to ask you, he knows the answer, but what he doesn´t knows why the Formula 1 is considered a sport.( He is very beautiful by the way)
Do you wanna know why 0!=1?
we don´t really care Jose Luis.
A very handsome man. Very caring and probably has a crush on one of his closest friends. He loves family more than anything. He also has an obsession with astronomy. He loves to stargaze. He looks tough and very striking. On the inside, he is very sweet, gentle and a very loyal person. He is smart, cute, loyal, gentle, tough, and pretty cool. Oh and he probably has two or more siblings and an overall very large family tree.
Person A: “Oh my god, was that him?”
Person B: “I think so!”
Person A: “OH MY GAWD-“ *faints*
Person B: BAAAAAA- *faints as well*
Jose-Luís: Are they alright?
Jose-Luís’s friend: *pats Jose’s back* Just keep walking man, just keep walking…
The act of taking a poop before showering, and wiping with your hand in the shower instead of toilet paper.
Dude, josing is so much better than wiping. It doesn’t waste toilet paper, and it feels good
Josing is basically another word to say joking but with a bit of a slang to it
“Bro stop playing!”
Chill I was just josing with you!