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Mid 20s

A time when you start feeling old because you've been out of high school more than 5 years (you don't still take the same chances you did in high school), but you don't know yet that in 10 years, you won't feel as old as you did in your mid twenties, even though you'll actually be a lot older than you were in your mid twenties.

Your mid 20s isn't an easy time because you haven't lived long enough to know that if you find your rythym, even if you've done it before more than once, it isn't just luck, or who you were yesterday.

by The Original Agahnim July 27, 2021

mid cry

someone who is crying happily and sadly, right in between the two.

"mid cry rn"
"damn me to"

by livvylu July 31, 2022


The definition of a drunk person wanting breakfast and lunch at the same time while trying to yell at a mangy fox out the window at McDonalds.

Girl i can't wait for some Mid-unch-fist cause im fuckin hungry!!!

by karleyjo11 May 14, 2012


When something is mid on a bad spectrum

That crunch bar is negative-mid.

by DaddyUniverse July 25, 2022

Gwen is mid

Gwen is mid, period


by Gwen Is Mid June 1, 2022

Mid's Balls

VERY SMALL testicles... usually belonging to the gamer himself Midearthgamer, these testicles are abnormally small.

person 1: Mid's Balls are so small.
person 2: I know right!!! I can hardly see them!!

by GimyHima March 19, 2023


Golf: A Mid-Mashie used to be a 3 iron metal faced golf club. It was named such because it fell in between a mid iron (2 iron) and a mashie (5 iron).

Potatoes: In grocery stores in the produce isles it is common place for clerks to stack 5lb potato bags excessively high. This causes them to become unstable and unobtainable for shorter individuals, particularly the elderly. The Mid-Mashie is the sack of potatoes the shorter individual will grab located in the center of the pile causing the unstable tower of potatoes to come toppling down on top of them. Clerks will typically yell the golfing term "FORE!" If they see the event taking place.

Produce Clerk, "Grandma Death is going for the Mid-Mashie! FORE!"

by aPatheticGeorge November 20, 2020