To violently strike or attack an individual when they’re not looking. Similar to a sucker punch.
Person 1 : “I heard ur cuzzin Marlin got beat up last night at that bonfire?”
Person 2 : “Nah bro Marlin got side poked by a couple of da boys, hey. They hit ‘em wit a 3 piece bro.”
Person 1 : “For real hey?”
Person 2 : “Yeah bro, one second your wit ur cuzzins havin a good time, next thing ya know you’re gettin side poked wit da tree piece. He was lickin boots hey.”
Using a randomized event generator (e.g. dice roll) to determine which orifice to penetrate
while sexting, we decided to pick & poke. Rand() produced an around the world response. Looking forward to tonight!
Someone who promises sexual favors in exchange for you to driving them around town to play Pokémon Go.
My poke ho wife offered to let me fuck her in the ass if I first drove her by several poke stops.
Business folks say this to 1) imply they can do favors, affect change, etc. and 2) sound macho.
Especially common among grown-up douchebro yuppie types.
Hydrogen fuel cells aren't a development priority this quarter? Let me see if I can poke the right bears to get this done.
A girls private part, aka, her pussy, love nest, her money maker
Hey honey , I know you got a super sweet poke ya ya
A haunt bird of the highest degree. Next in line to be converted to manbearhauntidism and have lads ironing out their testes after touching off her. Scabies likely.
John: "What a sick looking haunt. That's pure manbearhaunt, she's on the way down poke-a-hauntus alley"
trying to get money off someone
through pestering and little things