Source Code

Last Call

worst late night talk show ever, even worse than Chevy Chase's old show

by Alex January 27, 2003

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Smooth Call

It means the same thing as flat call. It is a Poker term where someone decides to call a bet as opposed to entering a raise.

I can't believe you smooth called AA in the big blind! Only a complete fish would ever do that!

by teddyrux January 28, 2009

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perfect call

When the US President bribes a foreign leader for his own personal gain.

Did you read the transcript, it was a perfect call!

by Harry Connick Jr December 19, 2019

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Man Call

The ad nauseum phone calls husbands make to their wives to "check in".

Phone: "ring" "ring"
Friend: "Gee, I wonder who that could be" "It's a Man Call"
Significant Other (answering call): "Hi Honey"

by keshazel August 5, 2009

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call at the turn

In golf, to order food after the first nine holes.

I'm going to be starving by the 18th hole; let's call at the turn so our food is ready when we get there.

by j3rr33 April 26, 2006

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drunk calling

1.When someone drunk or high calls you when trying to call someone else.
2. When someone drunk or high that's straight and of the same sex as you calls you and asks for sex.
3. When someone drunk or high prank calls you without blocking out their number.
4. When someone drunk or high calls you more than twice telling you the same thing because they don't remember doing it the first time.

Vanessa: Man, Celia kept calling me last night asking for my junk.
Johnny: Tell that bitch to quit drunk calling you.
Bill: Hey. I wanna talka Sue and tell 'er 'bout what I did 'day.
Miranda: Bill, this is the twelfth time you've called asking for Sue. It's Miranda. Quit drunk calling me.

by zoe, dipshit. February 15, 2010

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Call shenanigans

To accuse someone of cheating (used during gameplay); "calling shenanigans" is only used for serious offenses, however, as doing so requires the game to stop and it often cannot be continued.

While playing Monopoly...
ONE: I call shenanigans! You've taken all the money from the bank!
TWO: I have not!

by Bev Ridge March 3, 2020

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