Formula 1 drivers that have okay pace but are great at defending. They are always paired with a dominant driver—which when given a good car, they always come second place to.
Number 2 Driver ‘s
Valterri Bottas to Lewis Hamilton. Checo Perez to Max Verstappen. Esteban Ocon to Fernando Alonso🦁
When you suck your own peen. An alternative way to saying “go fuck yourself”
Tom: “Do a number 9. “
Jerry: “Fuck you too, man”
To send a selfie with your cell phone number written on a sheet of paper to prevent being catfish.
Could you send me a cell number selfie so I can know this is really you in the pictures.
Customer Number 9 is a term used to hide the real identity of a Very Important Customer. Used generally in sleazy places, i.e. beer houses, sex dens, etc.
Waiter 1: Mr. Cole requests for another round of tequila.
Waiter 2: You mean "customer number 9" is requesting for another round of tequila?
Waiter 3: Sorry, "customer number 9" it is.
The number 10, is a great bus, that anyone can go places on, but, the bus is sadly either 2 mins early, or 26 hours late. you will most likely find idiots on there, that probably go to crypt (will, ethan, jarvis, chong, tobi, ect. other roadman kinda names) they will be evil, so dont speak to them. other then that, have a great time on your bus, yolo. lmao :)
number 10 bus. 1 min early
Me. Oh shizzle, i missed it *waits 4843 hours for next one*
also me. thank lord its here now
Mostly Vietnamese gamers say this word when they see a Chinese gamer.
"China number two!"