The peak of a good high; similar to a bell curve; the tip of the high.
Dude I'm layin down right now and I'm at my curve point!
A Cadbury to the Pippa, a one puff cooked Cunt!
Hey point puppet are you alright? Na bro, that one puff fried me!
When your so drunk that you throw up.
Sorry, bro I know it’s a fun night out, but I got to point 8, and I need to go home.
The crest of a pillows roundness.
I varified that my pillow had lost fluffiness by measuring the poof point.
Similar to panda points, you earn a dino point for every month you don't throw up due to alcohol excess.
I swear I'm at 3 panda points!
It sucks for Mark, he lost 9 dino points last night.
A point setter is a person, not to be confused with the flower pointsetta. They score the most points in a game. The word can also be used to describe someone who makes valid arguments in a debate.
The lions lose every season because they don't have a point setter in their offensive line.