A cold remedy drink that originated in Yonkers, consisting of hot tea, light rum, and a wedge of lime.
Vinny was sick as a dog, but after brewing up a Hot Yonkers, his cold symptoms quickly disappeared.
When you take an old tube sock, fill it with nacho cheese and proceed to have sex with the tube sock. Upon finishing, you hit the closest person with that tube sock.
Cheryl know she and Sam would be together for the long run when he gave her a hot 'n' cheesy right in the face.
As in I heart hot moms you fuck wit
As in I heart your mom defined as I heart hot moms
Damn you must be HOT.
And you might be a real shithead cause that's where all the garbage goes
;) - ErasedQuitButton
Taylor you are some HOT TRASH
(But without the hot, and this is an insult you fucking bitch.)
(This is a complement.)
you're trash but you're hot
-Look at that girl
-She's so hot
-But she can't do anything, literally trash
-Yeah she's a hot trash
When you're aesthetically fit (6-pack abs, toned, etc.) but struggle with anything cardio-related
"Fuck man, I can barely swim."
"Bro you literally bench 300. I can't believe you're hot girl fit. Go run or something"
A girl that is fit but has no stamina, gets tired to quick, no endurance but is super hot
Girl:How are you tired? you have a 10 pack!
Guy: I never train cardio.
Girl: omg your're hot girl fit.