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The belief in a higher force or entity that 'sploded or continues 'splodin beyond what we perceive as the physical world.

Derived from 'splode.
"To explode".

See also: 'splodite, 'sploder, 'splodinology, 'splodinity, 'splodinites, The Church of 'splodinity.

Claire performed her morning ritual - "the prayer of 'splodinity" and rolled a couple of gunpowder kegs down the driveway.

by GoughMan July 26, 2009

3👍 1👎


An artistic movement that aims to create pieces that 'splode.

Derived from 'splode.
"To explode".

See also: 'splodite, 'sploder, 'splodinology, 'splodinity, 'splodinites, The Church of 'splodinity.

Unlike most artistic movements, 'splodinism does not possess a gallery displaying prominent works in a major capital city. It does however have a paddock located in a very remote part of the state devoted to hosting the current "House of 'splodinism" and the shards and remnants of the previous 114 galleries.

by GoughMan July 26, 2009

The Church of 'splodinity

The Church of 'splodinity (from the word "'splode") is a monotheistic religion. It is the main collective body of 'splodinites across the world.

The Church of 'splodinity is centered on the life and teachings of 'splodus of 'splodezareth as presented in the 'splode Testament. The 'splodinite faith is essentially faith in 'splodus as the 'splodi (or Messiah), the Son of The Great 'sploder, the Savior, the manifestation of The Great 'sploder to humankind ('splodeanuel), and 'splode ('splodweh or the "'splode Lord") himself.

See also: The Great 'sploder, 'splodite, 'sploder, 'splodinology, 'splodinity, 'splodinites, anti-'splodinity, The 'splodin Delusion, 'splodinia, 'splodinopolis, Sammy 'sploder, Sally 'sploder, The 'splodin vote

"Here sir, have a 'splode News Bible and join us at The Church of 'splodinity every Sunday morning."

by GoughMan July 26, 2009

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