"one who 'splodes".
Derived from 'splode.
"To explode".
See also: 'sploder, 'splodinology, 'splodinism, 'splodinity, 'splodinites, The Church of 'splodinity.
STUDIO: "...and we're crossing live now to NewsCam Bob for the afternoon freeway status. Good afternoon Bob"
BOB: "Good afternoon newsteam! This is NewsCam Bob coming to you LIVE above the M5 carrying a stash of high grade C4 exsplosives strapped to the hindquarters of a donkey. If you think yesterday's pile-up was something to scoff at - hold your asses - this baby is about to cause an unforgettable road block of splodin' proportions.
This is NewsCam Bob, pushing a 'splodite donkey out of a helicopter. Back to you in the studio"