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didn't think that random 2068 guy would come back eh? yeah no i waited until 2075 where i would get my time machine back, don't wanna end up like that 2080 guy. Anyway this year was a blessing, here are the reasons:

Karlson 2 is coming out in 2169
Someone found out who asked
Valve released the Blue Box
tik tok shut down
Windows 12 can be compatible with Nokia
The dislike counter came back
...and more!

i'd suggest sticking around this year if you want to come back when earth was not bullshit, but if you want to then go ahead to 2089, i won't mind.

Random Person: ever wondered what would happen if the community was peaceful?
Boss: no, well then make 2088 as good as day so i know.

by WhatIsMyNameGuysIForgotMyName March 22, 2022

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