Source Code


the act of masturbation

Person 1: So, did you get get a chance to 3:15 last night?

Person 2: Yes! I 3:15-ed ALL night!

by Harryball February 3, 2010

38👍 16👎


3-15-16 or 3-15-16-19 means cop or cops.
It uses letters to numbers (EXAMPLE: A: 1 B:2 C:3 ETC.)
It i similar to 1312, or ACAB.
Fuck 12 btw

There' the 3-15-16! (or pronounced "three-fif-six)

by ol mate layla October 16, 2020

john smith 3:15

thou shall not dirty dance in da streets

my dance friends were reciting the bible verse john smith 3:15 to me yesterday

by Johnny Smith 315 October 2, 2019