The first 100 digits of pi.
Good for you that you listened to AsapSCIENCE's 100 digits of pi song so much you remember the first 100 digits.
3.14159, this is pi, followed by, 2653589, circumference over diameter.
79, then 323, omg! Can't you see?
8462643 and now we're on a spree.
38 and 32, now we're blue! Oh, who knew!
7 thousand 9 hundred 50 and then a 2.
88 and 41, so much fun!
Now a run: 979693993751
Too lazy to do the rest sorry
Also here's the full thing again: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419796939937510582097494459230788620628620898628034825332117067