Source Code

5 seconds

5 seconds

How long you let stalker boy keep his arm around you

The baby an excuse


Was purely coincidence in me fucking off and being asked to grab something

Asked penny how long as didn’t stick around enough

5 seconds


What a sket

All your defs

Pure lies

Unless of course

Twin flame had his arm around you

If so … apologise

Have a nice life

The both or you

5 seconds

To decide my twin wouldn’t do that

So can’t be mine after all

I will avoid your forever after the other evenings drape fest

Again proving there is no point reading your shit

My eyes don’t lie …

Your words …

A now I simply wouldn’t trust you in person…

Clever …

by LetsTalkAboutX May 8, 2023

27👍 5👎

5 second rule

An unwritten law dictating that if a food or other consumable item is dropped onto the floor, it may be picked up up and eaten within five seconds. The reasoning behind this is that dirt and germs take six seconds to transfer from one surface to another.

"Oops, dropped my popsicle. Five second rule!"
(Proceeds to pick up dirty-ass rocket pop and suck the lint off of it)

by Hablacraja July 10, 2004

5048👍 432👎

5 second bullride

The 5 second bullride is when two lovers are engaging in fornication similiar to doggy style yet standing up and the male behind the female whispers into the female's ear "I have aids" then the female trying to free herself thus results in giving the male a 5 second bullride.

James and Heather were doing it from behind when james whispers in her ear " I have aids" he then enjoyed a 5 second bullride from Heather.

by Kenny Bowers November 13, 2011

48👍 4👎

5 Second Johnny

1.Someone who can only get it for 5 seconds, before the girl realises shes not interested anymore.

2.Only being able to last five seconds.

Did you hear about Kyle?

Yeah i heard he pulled a 5 second johnny when he was with Sam hes so embarrassed he hasnt come out since!

by Scott Hack October 5, 2008

5 second rule

The rule by which one determines whether or not food is safe after falling onto the floor. That is, if you are able to retrieve said item within 5 seconds, it is not dirty and is safe to eat.

* Note: in fraternity houses, this rule is the 1.5 second rule. Rule is invalid in the restroom.

Person 1: Oh no, my chicken wing fell on the floor!
Person 2: 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...
Person 1: Got it!
Person 2: 5-second rule. It's yours, dude.

by Josh July 11, 2004

417👍 96👎

5 Seconds of Summer

That band with the 4 hot dudes from Australia.

Kid: Mom will you read me a bedtime story?
Me: okay, it started out a weekend in May
Kid: 5 seconds of summer Everytime mom

by GallchobhairJ January 28, 2015

464👍 112👎

5 Seconds of Summer

An Aussie band including Luke Hemmings - Lead singer, Calum Hood - Bassist, Michael Clifford - lead guitarist, Ashton Irwin - Drummer, and Niall Horan - Volunteer Fan

"LET ME BE IN THE BAND" - Niall Horan/5 Seconds of Summer Volenteer Fan

by Girly Girl11111 November 1, 2013

1178👍 379👎