On October 11th it is national give Callum £50 day and u should give £50 to me cause my name is Callum
Hey have u heard of national give Callum £50 day
4👍 1👎
Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak he edges on and on and on on and on on a cat he edges on a dog on a cat he edges on a cat on a dog he edges on a dog on a cat he edges at school and edges. when fork edges do not interrupt him hes on a streak, do not approach him with an intel i9 15900k proccesor or he might tell you are a 1939 enthusiast, anyways what do u think about edging is it W or L?
Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak Opposingfork Edging 50 day streak
3👍 5👎
A 50/50 Day is when you’re having a day that isn’t great, but also isn’t terrible. Some good and bad came out of the same day.
Person 1: Hey, how has your day been?
Person 2: Eh, I’ve had a 50/50 Day.
Person 1: Why’s that?
Person 2: I got a promotion at work, but when I left for the day I noticed someone had scratched the whole front end of my car while backing into their parking space.