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A person who, aside from poverty and ramen-fueled jokes, desires to express with images what words cannot. Story-telling at its best. An indescribable longing to show others they are not alone in this world.

β€œWith any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise you're not being an actor. You're lying."

by GRadha December 26, 2008

257πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


An attention-seeking person who pretends to be someone else and gets paid a ridiculous amount of money for doing so.

This person is incapable of doing a real job because there would be no one clapping for them all the time.

Today's actors are descended from - and are no better than - the travelling bands of buffoons from centuries ago, who pretended to be other people and got paid next to nothing. They were considered to be the lowest of the low.

Today, thanks to television and cinema, these same buffoons get paid more money than all the worthwhile doctors, scientists etc. put together. In fact they get paid more money than possibly anyone else, with the result that all the gullible, foolish people consider them to be the highest of the high.

Red carpets are often rolled out for them to walk on in an effort to make them feel important.

They are always boasting about their "craft" and how they are so thankful to be paid for doing what they love.

Actors are always giving each other awards and they are under the delusion that anyone who is in "The business" is better than anyone who does a real job.

Essentially, an actor is a person who has at least one plastic surgery procedure per month, thinks that they are a cut above the rest, and gets paid too much. Despite never having done a day's work in their life.

Tom Cruise is a good example of an actor. This person has been in the spotlight a great deal and it has affected his brain.

Consequently, he believes himself to be an expert on every topic known to man, from religion to psychiatry.

This behaviour could also, possibly, be attributed to the fact that he is so used to pretending, that he doesn't know when to stop. That would explain why nobody believes that he knows anything at all about any of these topics.

by Little Bluebird May 25, 2012

296πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


A person who gets paid to do shit you do in everyday life, only with a more expensive hairstyle.

Jim- I brush my teeth, have conversations with strangers on a bench, and drive around town why am I not a millionaire.
Kevin- You're not an actor Jim, you're not a millionaire so millionaires laugh at you and your lifestyle because their hair is more expensive to maintain. They think you're homeless since you're not in the millionaires club.
Jim-So I'm supposed to respect them for having more money and making money their way? I thought respect was earned for everyone, not just some of us.
Kevin- Yea that's how it works Jim, it's their world you live in, they own it so it's theirs.

by Solid Mantis February 7, 2018

8πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


a sophisticated whore

acting - another word for sophisticated whoring

Guy: She is such a whore.
Guy 2: What do you mean? Like an actor?
Guy: Oh, no! She's not THAT big of a whore...but she's still pretty bad.

by Dan845678 September 27, 2010

20πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Word in an extensive vocabulary of theatre terms standing in for sexual terms meaning penis.

Is that a banana in your pants or is your actor just happy to see me?

by SamMacElParker December 7, 2009

2πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Specific to Los Angeles, anyone who works as a bartender, waiter or waitress.

After sitting in our booth for 45 minutes we left after the actor couldn't see fit to take our drink order.

"Oh, you're an actor? Wow, really? Which restaurant?"

by Holden McKock July 23, 2006

199πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž


In the biz a MALE who acts. If you are a female who believes she should be called an 'actor' then get a sex change...and see female actor for assistance.

Tom Cruise thinks that he is an actor. He was good when he was young, but now he is an egomaniac and should hire someone who is actually tough and large to do his 'cool dude' movies like "Mission Impossible." Tommy makes these movies unwatchable knowing that Nicole could likely kick his ass.
Some women think that they are actors. They are wrong. They are actresses. If they are actually hermaphrodites then they should be given the option; otherwise, the ACTING needs to stop at least with THIS word SNAFU.

by psiscott April 21, 2006

1471πŸ‘ 1373πŸ‘Ž