Person 1: I can say my abc's!
Person 2: Do it then
Person 1: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy !
Person 2: You dilapidated rat corpse.
16👍 1👎
The whole alphabet with no spaces
Person 1: Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy&znowiknowmyabcsnexttimewontyousingwithme
Person 2: Here I think you forgot this “ ”
only the greatest song ever, next to bye bye by the n'sync;
annoying song sung by annoying, hyper-active, ADD ridden, little kids
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z" sings 5 year old children
127👍 148👎
it the fooking alphebet
it the alpheabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
6👍 8👎
alphabet's but somethings wrong?!??!? 😳
random stranger: *sings the abcs but it is wrong*
random stranger: whoa dude, is that the abcs song but better?
me: yes. just a few drops of water and then the song will be much more perfect.
random stranger who committed arson once: someone gave me this popcorn. do you want some?
random stranger who has done nothing: yes please. I need to hear more of this beautiful masterpiece.
random stranger: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z now I know my abc's next time won't you fuck with me
17👍 2👎
vghbjnhbgvfcvgbhnjbugvyfctdxrctfvygbuhnibugvyfctvgybhunbgvyftcvgbhnjihbgyfvdcfvygbbfd sxdcfvcdxscrexwzqxsdcfvgbynhjmk,mjnhbgvfgbnhjbgvfbhnjbgyfvtdghnjmihugyftvbgnhjmibgyvfdcrbgnhjmihubygvftbnmjinhubgyvftbgnhmj,kjnhuvrbfbhbhubhufvrbhufvbhurfbvhgfrbvfrhbsrenfsgrvhcbucbghjbghnbvbgvcxvcvbcvgbhgfuckhvjxc;plokcjnhbinjopkjhuiu0jbhuihbiuhvbgaybhnjmk,mljnhbgyvbhnjmihuygtfbyhnjmgtfrdfvgbhnjmhgfvvgcondombcecfvgybhunijmkojhugytfrdftvgbhunjigtfrdefrgbhnjimhygbnjhbgvyfctdrihgcbvnbjkuytfrvbgnhcondojdhjgxcvbhytrgefvdc bsexvdhgyfffffffffffffffffffffffffff
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z. Now I know my ABCs, next time will you sing with me?
3👍 6👎