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Great, Caring, loves robert... Misses to spend time with him. like come back bitch.

This kid is fuckin' hilarious. He laughs at the most random shit, but yet, when important things need to be said he's the first person to talk. Has unlimited amounts of energy even when functioning on less than 3 hours of sleep. Will fall asleep during a movie just to wake up 45 minutes later to say the most obscure comment physically possible, in turn making everyone crack up. Is the most loyal friend anyone could ever ask for, without Acudesu the friend group is seriously lacking and you know something is missing when he's gone. Will ask to go to Walmart at 3am just to add to his already excessive collection of candy canes. Acudesu appreciates the little things in life and it's adorable. He'll never grow up and always tells people, "just have fun." Never does his math hw but yet will have over 100% in any math class he ever takes. You'll never forget him, and he'll never forget about anything because he has a photographic memory. Peter is as Peter does, and he's a great kid. Anyways, he eats at 1 am pizza every weekend...

by QueenSako September 10, 2021