Ali-Alex is one of the most intelligent, Sexiest, Toughest, and humblest humans in the history of humanity! He has had one of the toughest lives imaginable. You name a tragedy or pain and he had probably experienced it. His life has had lots of ups and downs, and his moral compass has probably flipped alot throughout his life. Right now; he is one of the most honest person ever. But you can bet he was an extremely cunning liar in the past. He is an amazing lover with a girth penis, and there's a giant list of women who have praised his kissing skills, his fingering skills, his fucking skills, and his dirty talk! He has a very unique life, unique personality, and a unique name. His name could not be found so he probably had to write all this down himself!
Ali-Alex will be the doctor-lawyer that will cure the cancer known as feminism.