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Tatarian name ALSU written in English form ALSOU meaning rose water / beautiful life like a rose. Al means red, Su means water: "alsu"

I love alsu

by RoyaSzafir July 4, 2014

53👍 4👎


Cute tinder girl with glasses. Uses emojis even tho she said she wouldn't, but it's ok

Gerda: labas
Alsu: 😍😍😤🤟🏼

by hugcvhjv March 17, 2021


The hottest Tatarian chick you’ve ever seen, very heartwarming and cute, incredibly sweet and cozy person who will take you to ikea to get fuzherchiki on a discount and make sure you’re all comfy and relaxed, literal wifey material with dark hair and very attractive smile, she is your “ride or die” type of friend

- have you seen that Alsu girl?

- yeah she’s my future wifey

by colombianwifey November 23, 2021