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A global system implemented by 2050 replacing the old data-exchange system of the turn of the century known as the "internet" (aka deadnet). The hierarchical structure of the original system was the inherent security flaw that led to its distrust and collapse during the later global corporate revolts.

The Alternet is a decentralized, peer-to-peer internet used for political, economic and social activities across the planet. It was implemented to serve as the stateless conduit for a new multimetric politico-economy and social forum to ensure direct democracy and human egalitarianism. The system is completely wireless unlike the strict hierarchical structure of old that sent data across decaying copper-wire infrastructure.

Each device directly participating in this system is called an io. Data spreads in waves across the entire system so that each io can individually process collective user input locally rather than trusting a remote server owned by another to handle and dissipate bitstreams. Secure information is first encoded before similarly waving across random paths of the web. Instead of a centralized system of ip addressing, each new io is automatically added to the existing collectively shared indexing system without the need for manual assignment. Every person has the constitutional right to own and access an io since it is the means by which one's democratic participation is shared. Linked to each io may be several local devices such as homepliances and wallfaces.

Without the alternet, we'd still be doomed to drudge meaninglessly and powerlessly through life in the ancient capito-socialist serfdom of debt peonage and resource waste!

by gregjockca November 20, 2011

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