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Brain Amoeba

I don't want it in muh brains! Get out muh brains amoeba! Brain Amoeba NOOOO!!

Hym "Holy shit is that a thing!? Are there amoebas in my brains!?!? What kind of monster would create such a... Oh... Right..."

Iam "Yeah... Brain amoeba is probably the most horrific thing I've of heard of recently. It is both tragic and sad... I'm sad..."

Hym "They need to put a warning label on those things. 'Be careful! An amoeba might eat your brains if you use this!' Why is that even something you should have to worry about!? Stop using that shit. Immediately. I command it."

by Hym Iam May 24, 2022

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Amoeba Dick for Brains

Used to describe people whose dick and brain share a single cell.

The idiotic man had no ability to understand that not everyone wants to be sexualized by him and that making women uncomfortable isn't okay just because it makes him feel good, He's an amoeba dick for brains.

by Cami, the dragon loving fairy June 20, 2022


A simple minded person. A dim-wit. Their brain is roughly the size of an amoeba and it functions just as efficiently.

How are you not getting this? It’s so darn simple. Are you an Amoeba-brain?

by Dexterdoright February 25, 2025