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can be described in a number of ways, you are also like Anneika if:

-your sex is on fire.
-you like to strut into gas stations
-you dress up for everything, including taking out the garbage
-you scream when someone straightens/curls your hair
-you excessively drink vodka
-you are a car whore, but is ok with it, and so is everyone else
-you have a She Wolf in your closet
-you are quite sketchy
-you tear apart a pair of high heels from being drunkenly fierce
-you drink mass amounts of gatorade in snowstorms with no shoes and only wearing shorts and a tank top
-you are completely in love with Chelsea.

Jimmy: "Man, i was so fuckin wasted last night, I drank wayyyyy too much vodka."Josh: "oh yeah, trying to be Anneika again were you?"

Kings Of Leon: "Your sex is on fire"
Candace: "Omg like, they're singing about Anneikaaaaaaa!!!"

by Chelsiah November 12, 2009

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