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Anti-Meslierism or Antimeslierism is the aversion to Meslierism and Jean Meslier, Anti-Meslierism believes that atheist fundamentalism and atheist fanaticism are bad as religious fundamentalism and religious fanaticism, where Meslierism is a form of atheis fundamentalism / fanaticism. Anti-Meslierism is characterized by defending that even if the last king and the last priest disappear, man will still not be free and that not every king nor every priest is as Meslier described them and even though monarchism and religion-spirituality are part of humanity and they cannot thus be abolished and another will always appear to be king or priest in this case. Anti-Meslierism is also characterized by supporting pacifism and the peaceful promotion of extraphysicalism, extramaterialism and extranaturalism until them become hegemonic and manage to balance physicalism, materialism and naturalism with them. Anti-Meslierism also supports the use or monarchism and religion-spirituality to turn humanity into a species of highly evolved beings and reach a high level of being.

Anti-Meslierism has started to become a thing after 300 years after Meslier, but it's never too late to start to changing the world for better and turn humanity into highly evolved beings.

by Full Monteirism June 11, 2021