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isnt it Antidisestablishmentarianist?

Antidisestablishmentarianist for the masses

by Dave February 28, 2005

6👍 4👎


Originally meaning an opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country's church and its national church. A 16th century word that no longer applies to the states.
From the later 23rd century on, antidisestablishmentarinism became the opposing ideology in counterpart to antiestablishmentarism.
Antiestablishmentarism is the core belief system against that of the original establsihmentarist system (free government, core values on freedom and liberty, etc).
Antidiestablishmentarist are in turn against the devaluing of establishmentarist system values, thus somehow against the antiestablishmentarists and are natural allies of the establishmentarists.

"I'm an antidisestablishmentarist: I'm so much cooler than the antiestablishmentarists, and the establishmentarists are so uncool."
"I'm a cool antiestablishmentarist, but I'm not as hot as an antiestablishmentarist"

by ddyj42 March 15, 2022