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Antwone is a real as it can get. He strives for the best, stay humble and is committed to the money. Has no surrender, no retrieve.

Antwone is where the money is

by CTM Twone December 24, 2016

84πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


the best, makes you laugh like crazy, he's a great and kind person if youknow a antwone your lucky he's the strongest

girl:your so perfect
antwone: i know

every girl out there: i wish i knew an antwone

by antwone.t March 26, 2016

55πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Protector of the universe. Perfect, Flawless... usually made of titanium.

VOICE 1: Who was that guy who saved 100 people from that burning apartment complex?

VOICE 2: Antwone.

by Charles McGregory January 5, 2012

75πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Antwone is a fines ass fucking goddess who bad like really bad always gets himself in trouble and at the same time he has a soft spot that only few get to see plus he's sweet but only when he's comfortable showing it

girl:who's that fine boy who just flip the principal off
other girl:thats Antwone stupid

by sweetjucie November 9, 2018

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Antwone is a hard working guy the coolest funny and also he is the finest he get ladies left right and centre he is committed to the bands and when Antwone comments he commits

Sexy ass girl: who is that sexy bloke over there

Big breasted girl: What you don’t know Antwone he’s got band to make us dance

Big back gyul: oh fuck he is so hot I would get on my knees for him

by Biggest Nigga Out ere January 26, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A hoe how is a bitch ass nigga how give VL belt a nigga how fight nigga for no reason. In a bitch all day and eat dick be a bitch to his little brother


by Aj12e32 November 12, 2019

2πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A man who knows what he wants and won't settle for less . He doesn't just want the everyday but something a little more . Although he loves to run on a routine . He has a sparkle to his eyes , and a smile that will make your heart skip a beat . He's one of the most closed up people you'll ever meet . To a everyday person he can come off as rude or mean . Even as someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything but if you can get close to him he's one of the most loving , sweet men . He is the guy who can make or break your day . He has high standards , you have to really be something special to meet them . Once you've had him in your life , you'll never forget him . If you get the chance to have him as a friend or call him your's , you're one very very lucky person . You got a diamond out of rocks .


1.someone amazing

2. all swag

by I'm a lucky one . July 31, 2012

210πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž