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Arista is a unique name given to a unique girl. She cares for others more than she cares for herself. She is insecure, but she is beautiful. She is very crazy and hyper at times. And caring and sensitive as well.

stranger 1: "look at that girl smiling over there."
stranger 2: "She must be an Arista."

by bubushka November 18, 2014

87πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Arista is a unique name given to a unique girl. She cares for others more than she cares for herself. She is insecure, but she is beautiful. She is very crazy and hyper at times. And caring and sensitive as well.

stranger 1: "look at that girl smiling over there."
stranger 2: "She must be an Arista."

by bubushka November 18, 2014

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful girl that I could ever have she is my best friend and girl friend even though she is tiny she can hold her own because she comes from a family of 8 soon to be 9 kids. I'm the luckiest kid alive. She is super sexy and seductive and kind of a dominatrix but I love her sooooo much and I am looking forward to being with her for the rest of my life. <3 I love you forever and always William

A beautiful girl the has a rare name Arista

by William a Thew July 9, 2012

41πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Arista is sexy, but is insecure about themself. And always try’s to focus the attention on others. They comes from a long history of dramatic depression. But dosent like to show it. Can be kinda fake at some times, but always pulls through, they will always have your back no matter what. Still a very attractive human being, because it’s an Arista.

β€œLook at her, she’s helping”
β€œMust be an Arista”

by Driptomuch March 7, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Arista is a unique name given to a unique girl. She cares for others more than she cares for herself. She is insecure, but she is beautiful. She is very crazy and hyper at times. And caring and sensitive as well.

stranger 1: "look at that girl smiling over there."
stranger 2: "She must be an Arista."

by bubushka November 18, 2014

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Arista is a name given to a girl who is insecure but unique and beautiful, she's gone thru hell with heels and is kind but protective to the people she adores. Blonde with brown eyes.

Wow, she must be an arista

by Danthegoddamnmememan July 11, 2017

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Arista is a girl, that looks amazing with like blonde/green hair and its just like omg. And shes a little shit. But a good type of shit. Aww yeai. That type of shit B). Shes got all that yoloswaq and is pretty damn attractive. But omg purple hair staphhhhhh.

Arista u lil shit

by asdfghjklqwertyasdf October 3, 2013

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž