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An escort, from the west coast (Arizona, Nevada, California ect.) and/or an escort that has minimum of 1 of the following characteristics
- will not show up to an agreed time/ location and go ghost
- shows up on time, agrees to duration and rate, however after receiving the amount, says that she works on tips and leaves after a max of 5% agreed time(typically disappearing at an event after an excuse like going to the bathroom.)

-will be high to the point of unconsciousness following heavy amnesia (after making a deposit and meeting up, hourly rate at or above 1700)
- very unprofessional

person A: im going to Arizona to party

person B: beware that the escorts are actually asscorts

person A: Fuck that shit, asscorts are the last thing i ever want to deal with
person B: Exactly, that's why i only pay escorts

by Dop3matt3r_ March 21, 2023

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