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August 30

the day that a amazing person was born and kind of needs mental help! august 30 is also National High Five Your Friend In the Face With a Chair Day. It is also National Your Mom Jokes Day

P1 " hey bro, its august 30, you know what that means"

P2 "What do you mean?"

P1 *grabs a chair*

P2 " What are you doing?!"

P1 "Your mom!!"

P2 * hit across the face with a chair*

by ur_momma April 16, 2019

604πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

August 30

My birthday and Someone else’s birthday who is amazing and perfect in each and every way. Except for me, I’m an exception. But your not.

β€œWhen’s your birthday?”
β€œAugust 30th.”

β€œHoly shit you must be perfect.”

by GoddessofDeath October 28, 2019

106πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

August 30

The day we’re the most amazing person you’ll meet is born. Keep your friends if they have this birthday because they’ll keep you

Friend: they are so nice. When is their birthday

Other friend: August 30. You should be friends with them. They are really nice

by I’m bout to kick her @$$ December 2, 2019

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

August 30

People born on this day are always forgotten about and treated as if they're invisible. Anyway, if you know anyone born on this day, checm if they're okay...

"Ayo Dorkeisha."


"Ur born on August 30 right?"


"Are you okay?"

by Bank Ching Ching December 7, 2019

54πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

August 30

On August 30th you ask your significant other to pick a number between one and five. You then have to follow the instructions of the number.

1. Hug them
2. Kiss them
3. Hold their hand
4. Hit them
5. Break up with them

Boyfriend-"Hey Babe! Pick a number between one and Five! "
Girlfriend-"Why? "
Boyfriend-"Because it's August 30th. Just do it!!! "
Girlfriend-"ummm.. ... Five? "
Boyfriend-".............. "
Girlfriend "............... "
Boyfriend "... I fucked your sister. "

by Allfather August 30, 2019

117πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

August 30

If you were born August 30 you act like a crackhead and that’s okay. You also need mental help

It’s august 30th time to black out & forget about the shitty life you have!

by gothbaby November 2, 2019

71πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

August 30

The greater human being on this planets birthday. It’s Ryan Ross’s birthday, who did you think it was gonna be?

Today is August 30, the king of emo, Ryan Ross’s birthday.

by Lilhemmotate October 17, 2019

29πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž