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Noun: The automatic application of SNide remARKs. AutoSnarkage

Verb: To automatically or reflexively snark something down. To apply sarcasm, or to make snide and sharply critical comments - without thinking first. AutoSnarking

Adjective: AutoSnarky, AutoSnarkiness

other forms: auto-snark \ autosnark \ auto snark

Well that social media meme was an example of purest AutoSnark!

Why must you AutoSnark my brainstorm brainchild before it even has a second to breathe?

I can always count on these three to AutoSnark anything I post. I mean - they don't even hesitate. Often they let fly with the AutoSnarkiness -- and then admit that they agree or admire the thing they shot down.

Away team: set phasers to "AutoSnark"!

by —thoughtstorms— March 15, 2017