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An awesome new way to express awesomeness to someone not worthy of the correct spelling, or the awesomeness itself.

N.B. Not to be confused with awsum, awsome, awesom or other misspellings.

Person A: These new rollerskates are awesome you should get them.
Person B: wUT?1
Person A: I said, "They're AWEOMSE"
Person B: oH sw3et, but since you put it that way, maybe I'm not worthy.

by Professor Pinetree October 16, 2012

3👍 4👎


Aweomsness, is a typographical error of the word Awesomeness (pronounced: "Awesome"+"ness")

It is commonly sighted in online messaging services such as Windows Live Messenger (MSN) when someone is emphatically expressing their emotions about a certain event or object.

JOHN: Did you see how fast that supercharged commy was going down the main street last night???

FRED: shiz yerr zomg tht was friggen aweomsness!!!1

by thisisevidence March 6, 2010