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A word describing something so phenomenal that only the creation of a word, such as “awesomenisity”, can allow the human brain to comprehend its magnitude...BOOM!!!

Stephen Colbert's level of “awesomenisity” is so high that only sharks with frickin’ laser beams on their heads that eat hip-hop dancing hamsters, have the ability to “think” they might have heard of him…in a dream…maybe…

by The Penguin Gazette October 3, 2011


How awesome someone is.

Paris Hilton contains no awesomenisity.

by imawsomer than ur mom July 22, 2009

1👍 4👎


1.a word to say when when you like something
2.combines awesome with intensity to show intense awesomeness.

1."this is awesomenisity"
2."that roller coaster was was so awesomenisity that i puked"

by darkamaru April 26, 2009

1👍 8👎